Cessna 172 Simulator

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This is what my simulator currently looks like (19/01/08). I am very pleased with the outcome so far. It has been placed on a modified overhead projector table. The steel tubes that usually hold the projector were cut off with an angle grinder,the whole table was then stripped down, painted with matt black and put back together again. As you can see, the table has wheels so it's easy to move around. It really benefits from having them because the sim has gotten very heavy. There are some changes to be made with the case design which haven't been finished. I need to cut the case down to be the same size as the table. As you can see from the picture it is hanging over the table at the moment. If I leave it like this it will not fit into the study. This is how tight I am for space in my new house. There are still things missing, such as the avionics (which will go on the right side, I intend to buy the GoFlight Rack but i'm not sure whether to make my own panels and electronics or buy their modules) some instruments, such as engine, navigation and clock have to be placed. The throttle and mixture controls need to be designed and coinstructed and so does the yoke! (Unfortunately I can't use Simkit's version, it's too expensive and far too big to fit in the case. So I'm going for a custom design. Yikes! The screens need to mounted on LCD mounts as well. So, there is an awful long way to go. However, I anticipate, that the sim will be actually UP and RUNNING for the first time next week! I'll post some more pictures soon.


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